Saturday 29 July 2017

Mengens circumcise not because the Bible say so.

What is circumcision? Circumcision is the removal of the fore skin of the penis. It is usually done to males than to the women. There are countries that do circumcise women as well. Todays trend on circumcision obviously it is done due to health reasons. People prefer circumcising nowadays using medical equipment and it is done by health workers in an healthy environment.
The question is where do we first hear of circumcision? Well the plain truth is we first heard of circumcision in the Holy Bible. If you are a Christian you are to refer to the Bible as the word of God to us. And in the Bible we were taught that Jesus Christ the son of God was circumcised in the temple. The temple is a holy place and those of whom who are one way or the other loyal to God are only allow to stay in the temple. Since Jesus was so close to God as a human being and at the same time a God he spent most of his time in the temple afterwards.
The fact about Jesus Christ is that he is a Jewish. We all now know and accept it that the Jewish people live in the country of Israel. Yet originally the practice of circumcision is a Jewish way of life. And how come the people of Mengen originally practice circumcision as their way of life as well? Mengens do not circumcise because the Jewish people are doing it. It is definitely no. It is part and parcel of the culture of the Mengen people. We have to remember the Jewish people of Israel are located in the continent of Africa while the Mengen people of Pomio District in Papua New Guinea are situated in the continent of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. Jewish people are from a Hebrew decent while the Mengens are from an African decent if I am correct. The Mengens are brown coloured people known as the Melenasians. Mengens do not circumcise for health reasons or for the sake of circumcising. Mengens have a deep secrecy to circumcision and it is implanted right deep within the Mengens culture. One can not separate the art of circumcision from the Mengen culture. It is obviously no in that regard.

Who is God and who is Jesus to the Mengens.

It is true that evangelization was introduced to many parts of the world by early missionaries. They came from all over the world just to teach the word of God to those who are still living in the darkness. We accept those missionaries and we were later baptised and now we say we belong to God. It was through the remarkable efforts of these early missionaries that Christianity became the foundation of our faith. These early missionaries did not come into a country like Papua New Guinea without facing challenges. There were challenges they had faced and some did face their fates in Papua New Guinea. They were killed just because the whole bulk of population they encountered did not accept the newly introduced teachings about God. They had very hard times here in most of the places in Papua New Guinea when trying to establish their missionary obligations in the beginning.
Their rejection to the newly introduced teachings about God was based on their way of life (culture). It was found to them as a contradicting practice that would hinder their traditional ways of living. The early missionaries taught tirelessly about God the Father and Jesus the Son. In other words they taught the natives that the superior being who made heaven and earth is God. The Father of all creations . Jesus was the only son of God who died to save us from our sins. Therefore, finally Christianity was well received by many and God the Father and Jesus the son became their foundation in faith.
Therefore, where do Mengens stand here? If God the Father and Jesus the son were both introduced by the early missionaries? Well before the missionaries came to Pomio District in Papua New Guinea the people already knew God the Father and Jesus the son. Actually both the name God and Jesus were later introduced to them. They already knew God the Father by the name of Nutu Evolau and Jesus the son by the name of Nutu Esina. Those were the two names they were using instead of God and Jesus.
Okay now let me explain to you these two names. The word Nutu to the Mengens it means God. As you can see the word Nutu is found with both names. Next the word Evolau to the Mengens, it means Big. And finally the word Esina it means small. If you happen to put together their meanings in English you shall see this.

Big God refers to God the Father and Small God refers to Jesus Christ the son.

English version________Mengens version

*God the Father----------Nutu Evolau (meaning - Big God)
*Jesus the Son------------Nutu Esina (meaning - Small God)

To find out more about the Mengens and their art of religion you can look for the book "We the people" written by a Catholic priest by the name of Tim O'Neil who came as a missionary and worked among the Mengen people. In his book" we the people "initially refers to the Mengen people. The book will give you some clues about the Mengens religion and way of life.
That's enlightening and when we meet again I will touch the practice of circumcision by the Mengens. Bye for now.

The tribe that knew God before evangelization came to Papua New Guinea.

Yes, there are lot more to discuss about the one legged beings of Pomio District in Papua New Guinea which I will be sharing in my next posts. For information sake, the one legged beings of Pomio District have had their traditional story being documented as a manuscript and I am seeking sponsors for publishing. Anyone interested in helping me out can contact me through my email address at ( or leave a message on my blog site.
For the time being, I will be introducing to you a new enlightening topic that you may find interesting . I have written a manuscript about and as usual, no one in my country is willing to help me publish my work. It is all to do with the Mengens of Pomio District.
You might be wondering what on earth is the word Mengens. The term  Mengens is a collective word that classified the inhabitants of Pomio District who spoke the Mengen language.Mengen is a tribe that is found in Pomio District of Papua New Guinea. The Mengen tribe together with the other tribes make up what is known today as Pomio District. Pomio District is located south of New Britain Island. Pomio District is the remotest and the isolated district found in East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea.
And remember Pomio District is known for its vast environment which include, Muruk Cave, Kava Kuna, many natural sink holes, the Blue hole dive, the Waterfall Bay and Whiteman and Nakanai Range and many more.
The Mengens have a unique diverse culture, tradition and custom and those who are interested can come do more research and study to discover the hidden beauties of the tribe. Aside from being just a tribe the Mengens are also known to be God fearing people who once knew God before Europeans brought evangelization to the natives of Papua New Guinea as a whole. That is truly enlightening. The question about circumcision. The question about God the Father and the Son. The question about prayer. The question about the wonders of God. And many more are implanted within the Mengen tribe of Pomio District of Papua New Guinea. It is not only about that, we shall also learn the different cultural practices on men's point of view and even women perspective. The rules or taboos that being a Mengen, one should uphold. The beauty of the traditional masks and its restrictions. And as well, the rituals Mengens perform signify their identity. We shall see all these listed one at a time.
Bye for now and we will surely discuss more when we meet in my next post.

Sunday 23 July 2017


Yes I am back, the one legged beings of Pomio District which  I was talking about are also the fastest beings that ever lived on earth. If you would like to know more about this special group of beings you are welcome to visit Pomio District of Papua New Guinea and make your research.